Inspired by true events, this retelling of an American tale is the coming of age story of Little Joe, a Latinx boy who must choose to save his family or follow a dream.
Along the way, he must learn from his Future self how to stay alive amidst the violence and poverty-stricken underbelly of America and fight for a dream he never knew he could live for.
Director: Joseph Castillo-Midyette
Adrienne Lovette
Executive Producer: Gisella Chipe
Nicolás López
Producer: Heidi-Marie Ferren
Adrienne Lovette
Director of Photography: Nicolás López
Editor: Justin Schultz
Music & Sound: Andrew Markus
Color: Diego Cordero
Casting: Elaine Del Valle
HollyWeb Festival 2019 — California, US
Official Selection:
HBO New York Latino Film Festival 2019 — New York, US
HBO/NHMC Official Latino Short Film Festival 2019 — New York, US
OMNI TV Fest NATPE 2019 — Calofornia, US
Stareable Fest 2020 — New York, US
Ville Film Fest 2019 — Somerville, US
FILM-COM 2019 — Califonia, US